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For all your CrossFit news and info!
Getting Started
Can’t quite wrap your head around AMRAPs, what the Open is or what the Games are? READ ON!
Nancy, Grace and Isabel who? Get a full run down of the benchmark workouts here.
Not quite sure of the CrossFit movement names Don’t worry we have you covered!
Your First Month Of CrossFit
So you’ve thought for a long time about joining and you've finally done it. You are through the doors and greeted by a strange new world. Here are some things you are likely to experience in your first month here. Support From the moment you walk in the door you will...
Crossfit Equipment
CrossFit Gymnastics Grips
Very soon into your CrossFit journey you’ll soon find out that your hands get quite the beating. Often the wear and tear endured leads to sore hands, a build up of nasty calluses and the ever feared tearing of those calluses. Soon you’ll invest in gymnastic grips....
The InBody Machine
Breaking down all of the components of the InBody results sheet.
Useful nutrition principles to follow and implement into your everyday eating habits. Plus additional presentations from the experts!
Ankle Mobility for the Squat
Ankle Mobility is a big issue for a lot of us. It is generally the number 1 issue that hinders a good deep squat position. Our ankle is meant to be free and able to move, but is very prone to becoming stiff and immobile, say after an ankle sprain. If it loses the...
Shoulder Health
The shoulder, comprising the scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle (collar bone), and humerus (upper arm bone), is a highly mobile joint capable of positioning the hand virtually anywhere in space. The shoulder has many functions:...
Mobility Matters
Looking to improve your mobility before and after class, click the link below for some guidance on where to start.
Skills Clubs
Pressing Strength Programme
Pre-Test warm up: AMRAP 8 6 x Cals 6 x Plate ATW 6 x Banded Strict Press 6 x Press Up TESTING: Level 1: > AMRAP Strict HSPU in 90 seconds Level 2: For Time > 30 Strict HSPU Level 3: For Time > 30 Deficit HSPU PROGRAM BRIEF: ...
Handstand Push Up Program
A six-week handstand push up program designed to develop pushing strength and get you closer to your first few reps.
Toes-to-Bar Program
A six-week toes-to-bar program designed to get you closer to your first few reps.
Pull Up Program
Whether you’re looking to get your first pull up or your twentieth, this program is for you. Build strength and develop your gymnastics skills over the course of this six-week program.
Midline, Glute & Lower Back Program
Who is this program for? Do you want to feel stronger under a barbell?Do you want to be able to kip for longer?Would you like to get a new PR in your Snatch Clean or Deadlift?Would you like to bring down your 5km run time? If you answered yes to any of the questions...
Push – Pull Program
Who is it for? Anyone looking to improve their pushing strength and to maintain/improve their pulling strength over the course of the next 4 weeks until we can get back to the gym again!  Aim of...
Pistol Program
Who is it for? Everyone from beginner to advancedYou want to learn a new and fun skillYou enjoy learning high skill movementsYou would like to improve your single leg pistol squats Aim of the Club: Improve your strength, flexibility, co-ordination, balance and...
Bua Midline Strength Club
Who is it for? Everyone! Everything we do in the gym starts with the midline, and being able to hold a neutral spine is tantamount for injury free performance. We have all felt our lower back go at some stage, and more than likely this is a loss of...
Bua Double Under Club
Who is it for? Anyone looking to get their first double under repAnyone looking to move towards more consistent double unders Aim of the Club Improve your double under body positionDevelop confidence in your double undersImprove your capacity, consistency and...
Bua Handstand Club
Who is it for? Everyone that can already get inverted and wants to be more comfortable thereYou enjoy developing fun and challenging new skills You can kick up to a wall but find it difficult away from the wallYou would like to improve walking and holding...
Bua Running Club 2
Who is it for? Everybody from beginner to elite runnerYou love running or you hate runningYou run all the time but want some structureYou don't enjoy running but would like toYou would like to improve running Aim of the Club Improve your cardiovascular endurance,...
Bua Running Club 1
Who is it for? Everybody from beginner to elite runnerYou love running or you hate runningYou run all the time but want some structureYou don't enjoy running but would like toYou would like to improve running Aim of the Club Improve your understanding of pacing for...
Good Enough
One of the more successful athletes to pass through the doors here at Bua was a guy named Stephen Barrett. He placed 3rd in Ireland in the Open in 2014, won the first ever Filthy 150 and competed on a winning Team Ireland at the 4 Nations, a competition that was a...