Bua Smithfield
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Embarking on a CrossFit journey involves more than embracing a fresh outlook on fitness; it also revolves around developing a whole new vocabulary made up of CrossFit terms!
With such a varied new lingo to get accustomed to, it can feel daunting to stay up to speed with the right terminology – not to mention as yet unfamiliar workouts. To make the transition a lot smoother, we have compiled a glossary of the most common CrossFit terms and acronyms that will serve as a go-to guide for those getting to grips with the CrossFit way of life!
Getting comfortable with the language of CrossFit is the first step in demystifying the sport for beginners. Understanding these terms not only enhances workout efficiency but also helps to integrate athletes into the community with ease.
To start with, let’s look closer at the 25 most essential CrossFit acronyms:
1. AMRAP – As Many Rounds (or Reps) as Possible
2. WOD – Workout of the Day
3. EMOM – Every Minute on the Minute
4. PR – Personal Record
5. RX – As Prescribed
6. HSPU – Handstand Push-Up
7. T2B – Toes to Bar
8. OHS – Overhead Squat
9. C&J – Clean and Jerk
10. SN – Snatch
11. DL – Deadlift
12. MU – Muscle-Up
13. KBS – Kettlebell Swing
14. DU – Double-Unders
15. MetCon – Metabolic Conditioning
16. RM – Repetition Maximum
17. BS – Back Squat
18. FS – Front Squat
19. GPP – General Physical Preparedness
20. KB – Kettlebell
21. GHD – Glute-Ham Developer
22. Pd – Pood, a unit of measure for kettlebells
23. PC – Power Clean
24. PJ – Push Jerk
25. SDHP – Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Aside from understanding the terminology, it’s also important to become familiar with these core workout formats to grasp the full spectrum of CrossFit training:
Knowing the key CrossFit movements is crucial for effective participation and progression.
Master these 15 foundational movements to build a solid CrossFit foundation:
1. Squat
2. Front squat
3. Overhead squat
4. Press
5. Push press
6. Deadlift
7. Sumo deadlift high pull
8. Medicine ball clean
9. Kettlebell swing
10. Pull-up
11. Push-up
12. Thruster
13. Burpee
14. Box jump
15. Wall ball
As stamina builds, athletes should aim to incorporate these advanced movements into their routines:
Understanding the gear that is regularly used will make the CrossFit journey smoother and safer.
Get acquainted with these staples in a CrossFit gym:
Opt for clothing that offers flexibility and breathability. Proper footwear is also crucial for stability and support, particularly during lifts and sprints.
Understanding CrossFit terminology enables athletes, whether novice or seasoned, to converse and communicate in a shared language. This adds to the sense of belonging and community that is synonymous with the CrossFit experience.
Another key aspect of the CrossFit community is the motivation it offers. When athletes begin to use CrossFit terminology in tracking and sharing their fitness progress, the language then takes on another level, serving as a motivational force that encourages CrossFitters to keep going and to keep smashing their goals.
Understanding CrossFit terms is your first step towards an empowering fitness journey. The next step is applying this newfound knowledge of the lingo by joining the Bua family. Our gyms are the perfect place to start your CrossFit journey, offering a supportive and expert-led environment.
With our varied daily workouts, expert coaching, state-of-the-art facilities, holistic focus on fitness and wellbeing, and community spirit that welcomes beginners with open arms, Bua stands out from the crowd as the place to begin a life-changing CrossFit journey.
What’s more, our CrossFit classes cater to all levels, from beginner sessions to competitive training. Join us to experience the unique benefits of our inclusive community and varied, functional workouts. We’re here to guide you through every squat, lift and milestone. Welcome to the family!
Undecided? Come and have a free trial at any of the Bua gyms to check out the facilities and experience what it's like to be part of the Bua community.
We accept drop-ins from athletes at all Bua gyms and in all classes. We would love for you to come and experience what its like to be part of the Bua community.